(Español) Deja en manos de especialistas la gestión de Capital Humano y destina tus recursos a tu propio Core Business.
We will contact you shortly to provide you with the information you want and offer you a specialized service.
The philosophy of EXCELENCIA consists of providing Human Capital Services at the utmost quality and exceeding our clients’ expectations. For that purpose, our firm offers extensive and accumulated experience in service fulfillment aimed to varied clients in different sectors and activities, and with whom we maintain a close relationship to jointly achieve the most suited solution for every case.
(Español) Deja en manos de especialistas la gestión de Capital Humano y destina tus recursos a tu propio Core Business.
Our goal is not only to fill vacancies, but to find the ideal talent for each client.
Payroll Processing
We assure you that your company will be in compliance with the laws at all times.
We can evaluate what your company requires and give you a viable and useful option in hiring your staff.
Organization Development
We have the interest to support our clients in the growth and professional development of their employees.
THE PHILOSOPHY OF EXCELENCIA, HUMAN RESOURCES CONSULTANTS S.A. DE C.V., CONSISTS IN PROVIDING SERVICES IN HUMAN CAPITAL AT THE HIGHEST QUALITY LEVEL AND TO EXCEED OUR THE EXPECTATIONS OF OUR CLIENTS. For this purpose, our firm offers extensive and accumulated experience in service fulfillment aimed to varied clients in different sectors and activities, and with whom we maintain a close relationship to jointly achieve the most suited solution for every case. Our knowledge of the Mexican market and our team’s experience and talent translate into solid results to our Clients.
“WHAT ELSE SHOULD WE ALIGN THE HUMAN RESOURCES FUNCTIONS WITH, OTHER THAN STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT AND COMPANY’S RESULTS?” We thrive to being a trustworthy and efficient ally to our clients, not only to solve their requirements on search, attraction and selection of human talent, organizational development and social security consulting, but to constitute ourselves into a real support to the proper development of the Human Capital Management. For us, a job well done is such through which our customers in Human Resources achieve a better positioning inwards the organization, and by means of their real and effective participation in the company’s results. The recognition of the true importance of the Human Resources Functon and its worthiness in the management process constitute our utmost challenge.